A lot gets by me.
I'm a writer. I live in my head. And my pajamas. I had hip surgery recently, which has nothing to do with this blog. But I was in the gym on the elliptical because I'm rehabbing. And god knows, I wouldn't be on an elliptical unless I had a prescription. So, there I was, staring off into the abyss after 30 minutes, I mean 3 minutes, on that damn machine when I heard this from the giant TV screen over my head: ...after careful deliberation Governor Jan Brewer vetoed…religious freedom act…Arizona…designed to give added protection from lawsuits to people who assert their religious beliefs in refusing service to gays… I almost fell off. My first response was disbelief. Just when I thought American's couldn't get more ignorant. I guess the anti-gay marriage bullshit isn't bad enough. But, this? …designed to give added protection… Added protection? So, is there already some protection? Do they have No Queer Thursdays? They have to serve those pesky gays except for Thursdays…then they can breathe a big ole straight sigh of relief? WTF? Then I had to laugh. Think about it. Refuse service to gays. Or anyone who they suspect might be gay? How will they know? If I'm gay and I live in a state that passes a bill allowing ignorant assholes to refuse me service under cover of religious freedom, I'm gonna act like a teamster until I get my stylish and well groomed self out of that state for good. If you swish a little too much you might not get that lifetime supply of tube socks from Costco? Better get rid of that Liza with a "Z" key chain. And heaven (although I guess you're not welcome there either) help you if your cell phone ring sounds even remotely like a Barbara Streisand tune. Will there be a written exam? If you can identify any member of the Rent cast you're out? If you can name any of the Golden Girls you're on immediate probation? All four? Fuggetaboutit. Then I wondered…what about ambulance drivers? Hospitals? Could they refuse services? My mouth went dry. I'm the mother of a gay son. He's smart, he's funny, he's a loving and loyal friend, he loves his family, he cares about his community, he gives to the homeless. You're not gonna let him buy groceries? Here's the ass kicker- after careful deliberation Governor Brewer vetoed the bill. Well, good for her. Is that a joke? What human being would give that sort of bigotry any deliberation at all? It's that sort of leadership that shoved Rosa to the back of the bus and looked the other way when a 21 year old, gay man named Matthew Shepard got tied to a barbed wire fence in Wyoming and beat to death.
The whole concept of being gay vs straight is about sex. Sex. Who really wants to think about other people having sex? Especially strangers who just want to buy a bag of apples?! My daughter's preschool teacher may love anal sex, my housekeeper may loved to be handcuffed and whipped. Who knows? Who cares? They do their jobs well and are a part of our lives. I don't want to know about their sex lives. We don't seem to be banning swingers from restaurants, but they also have controversial sex lives that would be considered sinful according to the Bible. So, why are we so obsessed as a society with gay people? The only distinctive characteristic is who they have sex with. Sex. There has to be a more worthy cause to spend our taxpayer money on.
3/1/2014 01:29:04 am
Truthfully, I don't know what it is. I definitely think that's part of it, but I can honestly say I just don't get it. I do wish I had the kind of time where I could sit around thinking about what everybody else might be doing in their bedroom.
2/28/2014 07:17:42 am
Bravo! Well said! The whole situation is unbelievably ridiculous.
3/1/2014 01:29:53 am
Thank you for reading and leaving a comment. I really appreciate it. Yes, it is ridonkulous. Scary. Where are we?
2/28/2014 11:10:04 pm
What's so great about stuff like this is that it shows how many people DON"T think like that, sheds light on the shameful actions of a few and, I hope, helps change the world.
3/1/2014 02:28:43 am
So true. I don't know anyone, no matter their age, political or religious affiliations, or sexual preference who thinks like that. It's a caveman mentality. It's like saying women shouldn't vote. Really? Hello? 1920 called and wants its cause back.
Thank you for this.
3/1/2014 02:32:30 am
Yeah, that's what killed me. How did a bill so dangerous, bigoted and downright silly, get that far? That's why the Governor gets NO points for eventually vetoing it. Too late.
3/3/2014 12:55:53 am
Oh, this is right on. Glad for the veto, wished for better motivations. Found you via your beautiful featured post on BlogHer, btw.
3/3/2014 03:30:19 am
Yes, it's a sad, sad, commentary. Disappointing and scary. So excited you found me via Blogher! I just started posting there. I need to be more active there.
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