Today is Kenneth's birthday. He's our youngest. Which, can't be right because no one his age can be our youngest. I won't say how old he is. This is still my blog, after all. I'll give you a hint though, this photo is more than ten years old... I have to confess I'm not sure what an ode is. I think it's poetic. Even though I could find out in half a second what it means, I'm not gonna. I just like it. This is still my blog, after all. In this instance, it means "Shout Out." Kenneth is one of those people who are not appreciated enough. So, today, on the anniversary of his birth, I'm gonna appreciate him, show him some love, with one of my favorite things - a list. This is a list of some of the things I love and appreciate about Kenneth. ![]() Almost everything I know about baseball, I know because of Kenneth. Well, his Dad too, but it isn't his Dad's birthday. I know a double-header lasts a hell of a long time. I know what a change-up is. I know its important to count pitches. I know there's no half-time, cheerleaders, points, or crying, in baseball. What I still don't know is why the coaches and the managers wear baseball uniforms. Kenneth doesn't know why either. ![]() Kenneth is thoughtful. He bought me this leg lamp because one Christmas TBS played A Christmas Story over and over for 24 hours. I said, "I love that guy's leg lamp. How awesome would it be to have a leg lamp of my own?" Now I can tell you, it is indeed, AWESOME. Because Kenneth bought it for me. You know you want it. Kenneth carries groceries without me asking him to. If you're cold, he'll give you his coat. He's never late. If he says he'll do something, he does it. He fixes stuff. He helps me with the techno crap on my website and Facebook page because I'm a zero. He once spent all day trying to hook up my new MP3 player in my car. He's that kind of guy. ![]() He was Best Man at our wedding. He made a toast that he'd thought of himself. This was big. Kenneth is shy, not terribly fond of public speaking. But, I've never heard a better toast. Except for the one his Dad made at our daughter's wedding. But, it's not his Dad's birthday. He cracked open the champagne and poured us a glass. He made me cry. This photo and memory means the world to me, and his Dad. All of our kids were fantastic on our wedding day. But, it's not their birthday either. This is Cosmo. This is Kenneth and his sister Kristen's arms. She gave him this rabbit for his birthday, a zillion years ago. I love that he gave his rabbit such a cool guy name. Even though she was a girl rabbit. I love that he will probably be embarrassed that these photos are here. He will probably be embarrassed by this whole post. But, that ship sailed. Not sure why Kenneth's head is cut off in this photo. But, I love that he planted these roses for us. He worked at it all day. They were beautiful and the only thing I missed, and miss still, since we sold that house. ![]() I love that Kenneth thinks anything happening below the waist is hilarious. Fart jokes? Fuggetaboutit! Naked fart jokes? Stop...he's dyin! Oh...he laughs at my jokes too. That's key. He also read both my books, in manuscript form. Even the first, really crap one. He didn't even say it sucked. I love that. ![]() I have stuff on my book shelves that can only be called, tacky. My sock monkey Jesus, my naked fat lady salt and pepper shakers, my Van Gogh figurine sans ear... Kenneth baptized this shelf my tacky shelf. I LOVE it that Kenneth has kept this tradition alive and has his own tacky shelf. This is Nunzilla (she rolls and spits sparks out of her mouth) and the Expanding Nerd. He started out a minuscule sponge like thing and when soaked in water, he expanded. You know you want one. ![]() I love it that Kenneth is a good cook and made this meal himself last Thanksgiving. No, that's kind of a lie. I love it that Kenneth re-creates the exact meal that I've made at holiday time for the last decade, plus. Right down to the apricot jam I spread on the bottom crust of the pumpkin pie. That's really something. Traditions are for carrying on. To know that this dinner has meaning to him, well...that's everything, isn't it? ![]() Speaking of carrying on. This is Kenneth and Madison, our now 11 year old granddaughter. It's hard to believe how much time has passed since I first met Kenneth so many years ago. Before Madison was born. We've grown. The funny thing about writing is it never goes the way you plan. This blog, for instance. I wanted to salute Kenneth on his birthday. But, I noticed there's a pattern here. It's as much about me as it is about him. Kenneth makes me feel like my best self when he's around. That's the gist of it. I feel like a good mom, a good friend, a good cook, and don't forget, funny! So, happy birthday to Kenneth. I'm thinking of him today and all the years we've gotten to know one another, and all the ways knowing him has made me happy. I wouldn't trade them, or him. He's my youngest kid, and that's that. I know one thing for sure, when Kenneth gets married...she won't be good enough for him and I'll be the mother-in-law from hell. You could ask my sons-in-law to elaborate...but it's not their birthday.
8/30/2013 02:01:11 am
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENNETH....... I have a son much like you and he too is everything to me. Never underestimate the pride and joy your mom feels for you.
8/30/2013 05:11:51 am
He's a sweetie.
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